Processing of Personal Data for Marketing

Quick description:

Your personal information (name, phone number, email address, cookies, shopping preferences, and interest in products and information on our website) will be used by our company Dedoles s.r.o. for 10 years from your last purchase, this will be for you to view and receive interesting and relevant offers and our news. Consent to processing of personal data for marketing purposes is provided on a voluntary basis. We process the data in accordance with the law in cooperation with companies or their tools - Google Slovakia, Ltd., Facebook Ireland Ltd., Exponea Ltd., Criteo Gmbh, Marketinger Ltd., 2muse, Ltd. - to maximize your experience of visiting our site.

You can cancel your approval at any time in any email you receive from us. Each email contains a link to instantly unsubscribe your mail. You can also ask us to request or remove any of your data. You can also contact the Office for Personal Data Protection with any problems.

Privacy is important to us and we take it very responsibly. If you are not sure or need more information about Privacy, please contact us at and we will be happy to answer all your questions.

Detailed description:  

Dear Clients, 

we want to provide you with detailed information on processing of your personal data for marketing purposes in this memorandum. We would like to explain to you why we asked you to consent to the processing of your personal data for marketing purposes.

The main purpose of this processing is to provide you with the latest information on current new products and services and our business partners. Another goal is to provide time-limited offers and practical information in written or electronic form. We strive to create tailor-made bids based on segmentation and profiling and present only relevant product and service offerings so you are not flooded with offers of products that you already have or do not meet your needs.


Given that the Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, repealing Directive 95/46 / EC, will enter into force on 25.5.2018, it is necessary that we have received a new approval from you that meets the new requirements.


Please read the below mentioned personal data processing information that we have prepared in the form of questions to make this information memorandum as clear and practical as possible in terms of searching for information. If you have any questions or comments about your consent email us at:



    1. Who is the administrator of your personal information?
    2. What personal data are processed?
    3. From which resources personal data are covered?
    4. What are the purposes to which you have provided your consent?
    5. Why profiling and automated decision are made?
    6. How long will we process your personal data?
    7. Who are our business partners?
    8. Who may have access to your personal data?
    9. What are your personal data processing rights?
    10. How do you appeal the processing of personal data?




The Privacy Manager is the company that determines the purpose and means of processing your personal information. For marketing purposes, the administrator of your personal data is Dedoles s.r.o.




For marketing purposes, we process the following categories of personal information that help us determine the range of products and services you might like and address your needs.

■ Basic identification data - name, seat, date of birth, home address.

■ Contact details - phone number, e-mail address.

■ Product and service usage information and services – what services you have had in the past, information about using the Internet customer area. Based on these data, we can help you to find the right products and services.

■ Information from phone call records or other interactions with you, such as email, chat, SMS.

■ Geolocation data - geolocation data from a web browser. These data can usually be used to recommend contact to the nearest reseller or branch.



The personal data listed in the previous paragraph are obtained directly from you. These personal details are listed in the client's contract, or you have listed them on other documents.

Personal data may also come from publicly available sources, registers, and records, for example from a business register. Your personal information may also come from third parties who are authorized to deal with them.



You have granted consent for marketing purposes, which include the following activities:

■ the offer of products and services. We may provide you with your consent in electronic form, in particular in the form of e-mail messages or messages sent to mobile devices via a telephone number, through a web-based client zone, in writing or via a telephone call,

■ automated processing of personal data to customize your business offer to your individual needs,

■ market research and customer satisfaction surveys of used products and services.

Approval granted for marketing purposes is voluntary. However, it is essential for us to be able to send you individual offers of products and services and our business partners. Without such consent, we can not provide individual offers of products and services.



Our company will try to provide customized product and service offerings. For this reason, your personal data is profiled by your consent. For this purpose, we use automated information systems, web applications, or calculators. We will send you individualized news and offers of products and services to our company.

Automatic personalizing (profiling) of personal information will help us to better understand your needs, estimate future action, and adapt our products and services accordingly.



You have given the consent to the company for the duration of the next 10 years from the last purchase or until the moment when you cancel your consent.

If you are not, nor will you become a client of the company, your consent will be valid for 10 years from the moment we received your consent.

Upon expiry of the relevant time, your personal information will be erased, but only to the extent and for purposes for which consent is not required under the law.



You have also agreed to the product offerings and the submission of personal information to our selected business partners. Our business partners also comply with the privacy policy and have entered into a personal data processing agreement with us.

Business partners are:

Google Slovakia Ltd.

Facebook Ireland Ltd.

Exponea Ltd.

Criteo Gmbh

Marketinger Ltd.

2muse, Ltd.




Data processing for marketing purposes may also have access to your data for other entities that process personal data, intermediaries whose role is to provide services to the company. For example, this may be external companies that manage our systems or other services to ensure the proper functioning of the company and the processing of personal data for marketing purposes. With these intermediaries, we have a personal data processing agreement, which also requires us to adhere to strict privacy policies.



Proper processing of your personal data is important for companies in the Slovak Republic and their protection is a complete matter. You can apply the following rights when processing your personal information:


Information about processing your personal information

The information includes, in particular, the identity and contact details of the manager, his representative and the appropriate person, the processing purposes, the category of personal data concerned, the recipient or categories of recipients of personal data transfers to other countries, the period of retention of personal data, authorized administrators, a list of your rights, the possibility to contact the Office for Personal Data Protection, the source of the processed personal data, information on whether and how automated decision making and profiling took place.


Right to access to personal data

You have the right to confirm what personal data are processed or not. You have access to processing information, categories of personal data concerned, recipients or categories of recipients, the period of retention of personal data, as well as the right to information on your rights, the right to file a complaint to the Privacy Office, information on the source of personal data, information on automated decision making and profiling, information and guarantees for the transfer of personal data to a other country or international organization. You have the right to provide copies of the processed personal data.


Right to Repair

Do we process your outdated or inaccurate personal data? Did you change your home address, for example? Please let us know and we will fix the personal data.


Right to Deletion (the right to be forgotten)

In some statutory cases, we are required to erase your personal information on your instructions. However, such application is subject to an individual assessment because Dedoles s.r.o has a duty or legitimate interest in retaining personal data.


Right to Restrict Processing

If you want your personal data to be processed solely for the most legitimate purposes or you want to block personal information.


Right to Data Transferability

If you wish us to provide your personal information to another company, we will transfer your personal data in the appropriate format to your designated entity unless we have any legal or other significant impediments to it.


Right to objection and automated individual decision-making

If you find or believe that personal data is processed in violation of privacy, please contact us to ask us for an explanation or removal of an inappropriate state. You can also appeal the objection directly against automated decision-making and profiling.


Right to file a complaint with the Personal Data Protection Office

You may at any time refer to the supervisory authority Office For Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic at Hraničná 12, 820 07 Bratislava 27 with your complaint or complaint regarding the processing of your personal data.


Where can you apply and are these fees to be paid?

You can apply for individual rights in the company by sending an email to: or by a written request sent to the registered office of the company or to the correspondence address: Dedoles, sro, Za Koníčkom 14, Pezinok 90201. Slovakia


We can provide you with all the information and rights of use that you applied free of charge.


In what time horizon can you expect a response from the company?

We will provide you with the comments and possible information about the measures taken as soon as possible, but not later than within one month. If necessary, and given the complexity and number of applications, we can extend this period to two months. We will inform you about the extension, including the reasons.



Consent to the processing of personal data is based on the principle of voluntary. This means you can appeal it at any time. Do you want to continue receiving offers of products and services and our business partners? We are sorry, but we fully respect your decision.


What can revocation contain?

■ Who appeals. Please state your name and surname, home address, and date of birth so that we can identify you.

■ Who are you appealing to submitter. You can appeal to all branches or, if you want to keep sending selected offers, specify only those you want or do not want to allow to contact you further.

■ Information that you do not want us to process your personal information. If you would like to receive only the selected offers, please indicate which offers are in order for us to be able to accommodate you.

■ Your handwritten signature.


How can I appeal?

■ Revocation of consent to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes may be sent in written form, in order to have a proper record of your appeal. Do not forget to sign the appeal.

■ Written declaration sent to the registered office or correspondence address of the company.


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